
The master version of this document can be found at

The GFA Format Specification

The purpose of the GFA format is to capture sequence graphs as the product of an assembly, a representation of variation in genomes, splice graphs in genes, or even overlap between reads from long-read sequencing technology.

The GFA format is a tab-delimited text format for describing a set of sequences and their overlap. The text is encoded in UTF-8 but is not allowed to use a codepoint value higher than 127. The first field of the line identifies the type of the line. Header lines start with H. Segment lines start with S. Link lines start with L. Jump lines (since v1.2) start with J. A containment line starts with C. A path line starts with P. Walk lines (since v1.1) start with W.


Line structure

Each line in GFA has tab-delimited fields and the first field defines the type of line. The type of the line defines the following required fields. The required fields are followed by optional fields.

Type Description
# Comment
H Header
S Segment
L Link
J Jump (since v1.2)
C Containment
P Path
W Walk (since v1.1)

Optional fields

All optional fields follow the TAG:TYPE:VALUE format where TAG is a two-character string that matches /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]/. Each TAG can only appear once in one line. A TAG containing lowercase letters are reserved for end users. A TYPE is a single case-sensitive letter which defines the format of VALUE.

Type Regexp Description
A [!-~] Printable character
i [-+]?[0-9]+ Signed integer
f [-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)? Single-precision floating number
Z [ !-~]+ Printable string, including space
J [ !-~]+ JSON, excluding new-line and tab characters
H [0-9A-F]+ Byte array in hex format
B [cCsSiIf](,[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)+ Array of integers or floats

For type B, array of integers or floats, the first letter indicates the type of numbers in the following comma separated array. The letter can be one of cCsSiIf, corresponding to int8_t (signed 8-bit integer), uint8_t (unsigned 8-bit integer), int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t and float, respectively.

Segment and path names

Path and segment records are identified by a unique name. All record types share the same namespace, so a path may not have the same name as a segment.

Names must not contain whitespace characters nor start with * or = nor contain the strings +, (plus comma) and -, (minus comma). All other printable ASCII characters are allowed. Names are case sensitive.

# Comment line

Comment lines begin with # and are ignored.

Required fields

Column Field Type Regexp Description
1 RecordType Character # Record type

H Header line

Required fields

Column Field Type Regexp Description
1 RecordType Character H Record type

Optional fields

Tag Type Description
VN Z Version number

S Segment line

Required fields

Column Field Type Regexp Description
1 RecordType Character S Record type
2 Name String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Segment name
3 Sequence String \*\|[A-Za-z=.]+ Optional nucleotide sequence

The Sequence field is optional and can be *, meaning that the nucleotide sequence of the segment is not specified. When the sequence is not stored in the GFA file, its length may be specified using the LN tag, and the sequence may be stored in an external FASTA file.

Optional fields

Tag Type Description
LN i Segment length
RC i Read count
FC i Fragment count
KC i k-mer count
SH H SHA-256 checksum of the sequence
UR Z URI or local file-system path of the sequence. If it does not start with a standard protocol (e.g. ftp), it is assumed to be a local path.

L Link line

Links are the primary mechanism to connect segments. Links connect oriented segments. A link from A to B means that the end of A overlaps with the start of B. If either is marked with -, we replace the sequence of the segment with its reverse complement, whereas a + indicates the segment sequence is used as-is.

The length of the overlap is determined by the CIGAR string of the link. When the overlap is 0M the B segment follows directly after A. When the CIGAR string is *, the nature of the overlap is not specified. The CIGAR string must be constructed so that the corresponding end of sequence A in the orientation given by FromOrient is the reference and the start of B in the orientation given by ToOrient is the query.

Required fields

Column Field Type Regexp Description
1 RecordType Character L Record type
2 From String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Name of segment
3 FromOrient String +\|- Orientation of From segment
4 To String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Name of segment
5 ToOrient String +\|- Orientation of To segment
6 Overlap String \*\|([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+ Optional CIGAR string describing overlap

The Overlap field is optional and can be *, meaning that the CIGAR string is not specified.

Optional fields

Tag Type Description
MQ i Mapping quality
NM i Number of mismatches/gaps
RC i Read count
FC i Fragment count
KC i k-mer count
ID Z Edge identifier

C Containment line

A containment line represents an overlap between two segments where one (the Contained segment) is contained in the other (the Container segment). The Pos field stores the leftmost position of the contained segment in the container segment in its forward orientation (i.e. before this is oriented according to the ContainerOrient sign).


The following line describes the containment of segment 2 in the reverse complement of segment 1, starting at position 110 of segment 1 (in its forward orientation).

C  1 - 2 + 110 100M

Required fields

Column Field Type Regexp Description
1 RecordType Character C Record type
2 Container String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Name of container segment
3 ContainerOrient String +\|- Orientation of container segment
4 Contained String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Name of contained segment
5 ContainedOrient String +\|- Orientation of contained segment
6 Pos Integer [0-9]* 0-based start of contained segment
7 Overlap String \*\|([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+ CIGAR string describing overlap

Optional fields

Tag Type Description
RC i Read coverage
NM i Number of mismatches/gaps
ID Z Edge identifier

P Path line

Required fields

Column Field Type Regexp Description
1 RecordType Character P Record type
2 PathName String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Path name
3 SegmentNames String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* A comma-separated list of segment names and orientations
4 Overlaps String \*\|([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+ Optional comma-separated list of CIGAR strings

The CIGAR strings in the Overlaps field are optional, and may be replaced by a single * character, in which case the CIGAR strings are determined by fetching the CIGAR string from the corresponding link records, or by performing a pairwise overlap alignment of the two sequences. If specified, the Overlaps field must have one fewer values than the number of segment names and orientations in the SegmentNames field.

Optional fields

None specified.


H	VN:Z:1.0
L	11	+	12	-	4M
L	12	-	13	+	5M
L	11	+	13	+	3M
P	14	11+,12-,13+	4M,5M

The resulting path is:


Extension to use jump connections (since v1.2)

Version 1.2 expands the P-line format for using jump connections given by the J-lines (see “J Jump line” section). Semicolon (;) can now be used as a separator in SegmentNames in addition to a comma (,) to indicate the usage of a jump connection (defined by J-line), rather than a link connection (defined by L-line). If specified, the Overlaps field uses the [-+]?[0-9]+J format (note the J at the end to match the style of a CIGAR string) to refer to the jump connection with a particular estimated distance, and . if corresponding J-line does not provide distance estimate.

Column Field Type Regexp Description
1 RecordType Character P Record type
2 PathName String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Path name
3 SegmentNames String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* A comma/semicolon-separated list of segment names and orientations
4 Overlaps String \*\|([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=]\|\[-+]?[0-9]+J\|.)+ Optional comma-separated list of CIGAR strings and distance estimates


H	VN:Z:1.2
L	11	+	12	-	4M
J	11	+	12	-	*	SC:i:1
J	12	-	13	+	10
P	first	11+,12-	*
P	second	11+;12-	*
P	third	11+;12-;13+	.,10J

Note how usage of different delimeters in the first two paths disambiguates between the usage of a link vs a shortcut jump the same pair of oriented segments.

W Walk line (since v1.1)

A walk line describes an oriented walk in the graph. It is only intended for a graph without overlaps between segments. W-line was added in GFA v1.1 and was not defined in the original GFAv1. Note that W-lines can not use jump connections (introduced in v1.2).

Required fields

Column Field Type Regexp Description
1 RecordType Character W Record type
2 SampleId String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Sample identifier
3 HapIndex Integer [0-9]+ Haplotype index
4 SeqId String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Sequence identifier
5 SeqStart Integer \*\|[0-9]+ Optional Start position
6 SeqEnd Integer \*\|[0-9]+ Optional End position (BED-like half-close-half-open)
7 Walk String ([><][!-;=?-~]+)+ Walk

For a haploid sample, HapIndex takes 0. For a diploid or polyploid sample, HapIndex starts with 1. For two W-lines with the same (SampleId,HapIndex,SeqId), their [SeqSart,SeqEnd) should have no overlaps. A Walk is defined as

<walk> ::= ( `>' | `<' <segId> )+

where <segId> corresponds to the identifier of a segment. A valid walk must exist in the graph.


H	VN:Z:1.1
S	s12	TC
S	s13	GATT
L	s11	+	s12	-	0M
L	s12	-	s13	+	0M
L	s11	+	s13	+	0M
W	NA12878	1	chr1	0	11	>s11<s12>s13

J Jump line (since v1.2)

Jump lines are the mechanism to define the connections of segments which can not be associated with a particular overlap or sequence. Basic usecase is to represent ‘gaps’ corresponding to unassembled regions, most commonly due to absense or low quality of sequencing data.

J-lines specification generally follows one for L-lines, using columns 2-4 to specify connected segments and their respective orientations. The only difference is that 6th column specifies a signed integer Distance (instead of the Overlap CIGAR string) – estimated distance between the segments. The Distance can take a * value, meaning that the distance is not specified (estimate is unavailable). Note that the Distance can take negative integer values, hinting at an undetected overlap.

Since v1.2 jump connections can be used in the P-lines. Note that to specify usage of a jump connection rather than a regular link within a path one should use a different separator (; instead of ,). For details and examples see “Extension to use jump connections” subsection the P-line description.

J-lines can also be used to specify shortcut connections that do not correspond to any missing overlap or absent sequence. Shortcuts are primarily intended to be used within the P-lines to define arbitrary assembly scaffolds. Shortcut J-lines must be marked with a special tag: SC:i:1.

Required fields

Column Field Type Regexp Description
1 RecordType Character J Record type
2 From String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Name of segment
3 FromOrient String +\|- Orientation of From segment
4 To String [!-)+-<>-~][!-~]* Name of segment
5 ToOrient String +\|- Orientation of To segment
6 Distance String \*\|[-+]?[0-9]+ Optional estimated distance between the segments

Optional fields

Tag Type Description
SC i 1 indicates indirect shortcut connections. Only 0/1 allowed.


The following lines describe the jump between reverse complement of segment 1 and segment 2, with estimated distance of 100 and the ‘shortcut’ between segment 2 and reverse complement of segment 3 with unspecified distance.

J  1 - 2 + 100
J  2 + 3 - * SC:i:1